



Internet Banking Security

Craft Bank (Craft) understands the importance of securing your financial records both in the Bank and with the use of Online Banking. To help preserve your personal information you must take an active role. It is important to realize that every time you access the internet there is a risk of inadvertently downloading viruses or malware which may compromise your personal information. Risky online activities include opening suspicious emails, visiting unusual websites, or downloading programs or files including media from an unknown or untrusted online source and more. There is no way to completely protect yourself from every threat. However, there are some steps you can take to help reduce the chances your account will be compromised as you engage in online banking. Below is information about online security, tips and guidelines to help you:
Online Passwords
• You are responsible for maintaining one of our most important security measures: your password.
• Keep your password a secret.
• Create a unique password
• Change your password on a regular basis
• Do not use Autofill
• Try to use a different password for each account
• Always log out and close your browser
• Note-The Bank will never ask you for your password
Enhanced Security
You ultimately hold the key to your information and password security. With proper care and attention to your computer at home, you can be confident about your security. Here are several tips to help you protect your computer-and personal and financial information-from attacks.

• Beware of fraudulent emails or websites imitating Craft Bank
• Use Virus Protection Software
• Be cautious with downloads
• Be cautious of certain email attachments and links
• Regularly install system updates
• Regularly clear your cache, cookies and browsing history
• Be careful about the websites you visit
Craft Bank’s Secure Environment
Craft Bank deploys the latest technology to ensure its systems and services are protected with world‐class security solutions which provide customers with several layers of protection and needed confidence to enjoy the conveniences of online banking, bill pay and other electronic services.
  • SSL encryption. When you log on to online banking, your user code and password are sent over the internet from your computer to our servers using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. SSL encrypts your personal information before it leaves your computer, ensuring that no one else can read it.
    Make sure online banking connection is secure. After you click the “Log in” button, you can determine that encryption is being used on the site by looking for two indicators:
    • “https://” will appear at the beginning of the address line, with the “s” meaning “secure.” Before logging in check to be sure the site’s address starts with “https” rather than “http”. Some browsers such as Mozilla Firefox change the color of the URL window when you are in a secure session.“https://” will appear at the beginning of the address line, with the “s” meaning “secure.” Before logging in check to be sure the site’s address starts with “https” rather than “http”. Some browsers such as Mozilla Firefox change the color of the URL window when you are in a secure session.
    • Presence of a small locked padlock or key will appear either to the right of your website address or in the lower right corner in your browser window. If you double click on this icon is should provide you with information about the organization with which you have entered into a secure session.
  • Secure browsers are required to access your information. Only browsers with 128‐bit encryption technology are supported. Encryption is accomplished through Secure Socket Layers (SSL), which utilizes mathematical formulas to “encrypt” or hide information from prying eyes on the internet. Additionally, if SSL detects that data was added or deleted after you sent it to the bank, the connection will be severed to guard against any tampering.
  • Firewalls are used to protect the information on our online banking site. A firewall is a combination of software and hardware products that designate parameter control and limit the access that outside computers have to internal networks and databases.
  • Secure Login. User IDs and passwords are not stored on the internet. Additionally, user passwords can vary from eight to twelve characters, which means the chance of randomly guessing a password is less than one in one billion! Our security system also checks for invalid logins and automatically locks out a user after three invalid attempts. This helps to prohibit a “hacker” from gaining access to our system, thereby protecting your account(s).
  • Additional Security Measures ‐ Craft Bank deploys multiple layers of security through Multi‐Factor Authentication Device Security:
    • Verifies account information against the forensics of the machine used.
    • Dual verification of the machine and user helps to prevent phishing and other attacks.
    • Challenge Response Questions are used in a layered approach with the device identification, username and password.
Other Important Security and Planning Ahead Tips
• Back up your files
• Review your bank statements
• Monitor all of your bank accounts
• Use account alert messages to help monitor activity
• Do not use public devices• Do not use public devices
• Be SAFE online
• Software – should be legitimate and updated
• Anti-Virus – use real anti-virus programs
• Familiar – if something looks strange or unusual – don’t proceed – call the organization
• Emails and SMS – read them carefully
If you receive any suspicious email or SMS message that claims to be from Craft Bank please contact us at 678-736-5060. If you need any assistance with or have any questions regarding our electronic banking services, please contact us at 678-736-5060.
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